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in bahasa Ind. for either men or women + while some "cukup bisa" none speak it perfectly ("tidak ada yang semburna")- are marriage age, acc. to Pak + [[Abu?]] S., about 17
are 8 [[warungs?]] in KII, acc. to Pak + [[Abu?]] S.
[[Abu?]] S. also sells soap, tea + minyak tanah to neighbors- since children handle these small sales while parents are away, don't try to sell anything which required counting on weighing ("[[atau?]] [[sering?]] rugi")
some bakuls young, some old - women who head man-less households hire burah [[tane?]] to do men's work
if both mother + father busy + no older child to care for small children can "membei upah" to someone to take care 
((what kind + how much?))
usually ibu? [[ngurus?]] di [[ladang?]] from 7-10AM, 2-5PM between 10+2 pulung + ngurus [[runah?]]
if very busy ie. [[panen?]] or planting may stay all day in the ladang 
decisions made together by husband + wife, acc to Pak + [[Abu?]] S.
no polygamy in Kajar- wives prefer to divorse than to allow a second marriage
- July 7, interview with Bu [[Sastro?]] 
((seemed rather reluctant to answer questions - certain problems couldn't be asked ie about K.B because she is childless, about land inheritance because much of their land + the house is her [[wausan?]] + she is sensitive about it, etc.))
name of a female [[yak?]] trader: Mangun-[[tuyum?]] - trades to [[yak?]] with her husband - her house located at "Gurung Ombak" in KIII, on East side of Atmo's place across the field
[[Abu?]] S. has had that store 13 years;[[Abu?]] goes personally to buy stove supplies, using Pak S's colt; gets supplies from [[Wonosari?]] on [[Jogja?]]
goes whenever needs to, no definite schedule
Bu [[Sastro?]] when a child worked in a store her parents had then 
Salastini the pretty little girl age 10 years who minds Bu