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July 9th, 1978
to Pak Dibyo's house morning, head of Business Licenses, Dep. Per. G.K.; has been at G.K. office 28 years
since 1950
many stories
- reason Induk Besi put at Leduksari where not used was because Pak
Bupati wanted to make that an
industrial area - was against Pak
Dibyo's recommendation
given during Jaman Gaber to
people in 1964 (gaber Dec 63 - Apr. 64)
Because every govn. dept told to
give something to the people of G.K. -
cost 80 Million - not originally
for Kajar and only after 76 given
over to coop Kajar acc to J. (recheck)
- once the project under a certain
P.T. Daya Gasa (P.T. Daya Jasa from
Semarang), manager Moh. Mahboob
- a misunderstanding disagreement between Dep Per. Wonosari + Dir Koop.
Over Kajar - Dep. Per. prefers to give bantuan directly to pengusaha,
while Dir Koop. wants all aid channeled thru coop
around 1970 a joint survey of the 2
depts. and Pak Camat as arbitrator to
decide the problem