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owadung, petel, bendo, dan semua alat alat tu -
kang, komplit.

kodi is 20?
where is Pracimantoro?

Hasil perharti:
- kalua membuat kampak: sehari sa tu kodi, menghabiskan besi 28-30 kg.
- kalua membuat petel: sehari du a kodi, menghabiskan besi 22 kg.

Daily production:
- if makes kampaks produces 1 kodi per day using 28-30 k. of iron
- if makes petel produces 2 kodi per day, using 22k of iron

Arang yang digunakan sehari: rata rata 2 karung se barga rp. 1.5000 - (sekarung rp. 750,-)

Uses an average of 2 karungs of charcoal a day costing Rp 1.500 or 750 each.

Barang yang dibuat sudah jadi (tinggal pakai).

Produces fully finished products

Pemasaran: ada dua cara,

Two methods of marketing:

1. Dijual sendiri secara eceran, di Pracimantoro.

1. Sold himself retail at Pracimantoro.

2. Disetor ke bakul, di Pracimantoro juga.

2. Setored[[?]] with a bakul, also at Pracimantoro.

Dahulu pernah setor ke Konerasi. Tetapi setelah pu nya perapen sendiri, tak pernah setor ke Koperasi, sebab lebih untung dijual sendiri daripada setor ke Koperasi.

Has even formerly setored [[?]] with the Coop. But after having his own perapen [[?]] never setored [[?]] there again because more profitable to sell himself.

Besi dibeli dari: Wasto, penduduk Kajar II. 1kg Rp. 100,-.

He buys iron from Wasto, a residence of Kajar II, who sells for Rp 100 per k.

Arang dibeli di pasar Kajar atau ditepi jalan Kajar.

He buys charcoal at Kajar market or alongside the main road of Kajar ([[?]])

Harga alat alat:

Price of tools

Rp. 7.000,- per kodi

Petel Rp. 2.500,- per kodi

Wadung Rp. 5.000,- per kodi

Pergi ke Pracimantoro setiap hari Legi.

Goes to Pracimantoro every Legi

Buruhhnya digaji setiap lima hari sekali, yaitu se telah turun ke Pracimantoro. Tetapi, apabile ada yang maminjam sebelum waktunya gajian, dan Hadi pu nya uang, juga diberi. Diperhitungkan pada waktu gajian. Tidak diminta membayar bunga pinjaman.

Workers paid once every 5 days, after returning from Pracimantoro. But if someone asks for an advance + Hadi has money he will give it to them and it will be calculated on payday. He doesn't ask for interest on these loans.