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POCUNG                               1

July 29    [B]egging survey in Pocung
W7 Joka    (see also book 1(page 79- 
           81)and book 2 page 1-13)

notes from Kalusahan Wukirasi, most of conversation with Pak Harsoyo, kep. Bagian Keamanan. Wukirmasi from 4 old 'kringo' (sub-divisions from Jaman Kratod)-one of the old krings was Pocung, consisting of 14 dukoh
# 13 Karangasem
# 14 Jatiredjo
# 15 Karangtalo
# 16 Dengeng

*Karangasem has the most wayanga, with about 80% of households making
*second is Jatiredjo with about 50% ((we have had several diff. quotation on these 70 ages)
*in Wukirari also have a big batik industry, esp. in Dukoh Giriloyo (at base of Imogiri graves)
*in Dukoh Gemi have genteng ((we passed a woman sun-drying very low - grade genteng (some call these "genteng Kripik" because they break so easily) along the road coming in))

Transcription Notes:
Transcribing p. 1. note from Volunteer CBK: A previous volunteer transcribed the page who appeared not to know who to read cursive. It contained 38 basic mistakes from simply not knowing how to read cursive. Other mistakes included transcribing the cursive "road" into "head, "sun-drying" into [?], "batik" into "native," and omitting the inserted sentence. I have the advantage that I have a Bachelors in Anthropology and taught US and World History at the middle and high school levels for 25 years. I also know how to read and write cursive. I'm sure I made mistakes, but I think it might serve this project well to include a basis cursive alphabet chart. I enjoyed the project and will continue to transcribe more. I will continue on to page 2. P.S. I tried to go back to before page 1, but was locked out. CBK.