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in D. Giriloyo also 1 pabrik  imitasi (costume jewelry)
low yields on peanut harvest this yr due to too much rain
-acc. to Haryono many people have outside occupations because land is infertile ("tanahnya minus") and very small amt. of sawah owned
-acc. to Harsoyo formerly main occup. was farming & rest was kambilan but this has recently reversed itself
-use "sromo" system in Pocung area - harvest divided in 2 with half to owner of land & half to person who works [[margin]] -Pocung people say sromo used in nearby areas but not Pocung itself [[/margin]]
also the person who works the land gives a small cash payment in thanks to the owner ("sebagai acapan terima kasih karena diper caya mengerjakan tanah")
-system differs from maron in that worse for person who works land (no cash payment under maron)
-acc. to Harsoyo the sroma system  used in many areas with "tanah minus"


use of term sawah in this area rather confusing: acc. to Harsoyo are 2 types of sawah
1. irrigated, can be harvested 3 times a year (bottomland in the valley near the river)
2. rain-fed sawah (tadah hujan) which is planted 1 season 5 mo. with padi & rest of year with polowijo

acc. to H. land is never 'gundul', i.e. never left unplanted, tho from later explanation is a short gap between tobacco harvest & planting of new padi

[[timeline]] Dec/Jan Ap/Mar Jul/Aug Oc/Nov Dec/Jan

Padi        kaemgtamel     tembakau     dikerjaka DIKERJAKA wth. persnapan PERSNAPAN tanaim padi     padi
[[arrow to first occurrence of "Padi"]]
(tanah ladang or sawah tadah hujan)

acc. to H best hasil is not from padi but from polowijo (esp. cash crops of peanuts & tobacco & also cabai (chilis) if the market price is high--if market price is right chilis sell [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] for more than beras)

Transcription Notes:
The timeline has the months listed above the line and the foreign words listed below. In terms of horizontal arrangement Pad- occurs between Dec/Jan and Ap/Mar and then again later between Dec/Jan and the end of the timeline, kaemg tamel occurs between Ap/Mar and July/Aug, Tembakau occurs between July/Aug and Oc/Nov, and Dikerjakan occurs between Oc/Nov and Dec/Jan.