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acc. to H. tobacco + peanuts the crops which consistently sell for good prices ("[[harga?]] stabil and baik")
acc to H. are 5 springs in the kalunahaz - located in the dukohs of Widoro, Kasangtalo, Jatiredjo).

[[left margin]]also one going up the mtn. in [[Karangasem?]], just off path to st.[[/left margin]]

((are 16 dukohs in kal. Nukir. sari))
deepest well 12 M, usually only 4 M
white stone sold for tegel (tiles), stones for well walls (dinding sumur), floors of W.C.
worked locally
still 2 weavers in Karangasem; formerly many but now has died out due to factory competition + fact that 1. local cloth expensive, 2. factory cloth finer ("lebih halus") + 3. are more varieties of factory cloth 
- two people with larger wayang establishments (perusahan) with hired labor: -. KENI (amakmya GARDOROWITO)
most households are unpaid family labor +, acc. to H., sell their


own products ("mendagangsendije") is a joint cooperative with Manding but trying to establish their own ((?)) - name of joint coop is EKA KAPTI recheck
[[left margin]]
EKOKAPTI is a kabupaten-wide coop for all villages which use kulit; only seems to function in Manding where headquarters located
[[/left margin]]
ladang is planted in rainy season with padi IR variety; no longer planting padi gogo (acc. to H began using new variety about 1950 - seems far too early - recheck -- note also unusual use of term padi gogo to mean a traditional variety or set of trad. varieties))
- growing season for peanuts 3 mo., for kacang tolo (red kidney beans) 80 days, for tobacco 3 months
most profitable is tobacco ((but acc. to Joko most difficult crop to grow - must be covered with little houses at certain times of day - tobacco called "raja ladang" "KING OF THE LADANG"))
formerly all tobacco processed at Pocung, cured saved + the marketed at the [[pasar?]] but lately some of the crop sold as unprocessed leafs tengkulaks ((acc. to Joko to-