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bacco must be dried very carefully + cut in evening  [[?]] to assure best result - maybe even [[?]] now used for  [[?]]

- tobacco sold as leaf by weight; brass scales brought by [[?]] to field

only yellow leaves picked, one or two from each plant per day

tools used for processing tobacco:
[[sketch of tobacco leaves]] CACAK (for drying) 
[[sketch of knife and leaf]] parang (GOBANG)
- in general hill around the valley are lading, the valley itself is sawah.
[[?]] sawah is mean [[Sungai]] Opak. (a wide river crossed over just before coming to Pocung turn off]]
ace. to H. the people whose houses are near the river are not necessarily the owners of sawah

[[crossed out phrase]]
surface of smaller river which runs thru Pocung [[?]] 3M lower thaan surface of land, so cant be used for [[?]]
tobacco must be watered 1st two months after planting watered every day using water which is [[?]] from the river- last month tobacco is not watered but left to dry in Pocung section of the [[?]]. Nost of the land is [[?]] (lading) 
[[Padi]] is weeded with roatary weedes PENAGOSOK twice 
[[sketch of PENAGOSOK]]
tobacco weeded twice with small knife (didanger) 
acc. to H. people in that area sell off too much of their crop for daily needs and then have to buy back food supplies at hihger price when run short
cassava also planted, intercropped with corn and peanuts
Palk H. says [[?]] plant about 1958 80% of peole eat rice and only eat [[Gaplek]] at [[?]] ((see belout for contradiction from Pak Dukoh))