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a pabrik- (tanning factory- 
located on Jl. Kusumanegara, 
Semaki area)
pengrajin often have difficulty 
that skins scarce + hence
price high
if pengusaha face problems + can't continue prod. due to shortage of skins pengrajin will be sent to ladang or given other work to do ((how 
paid, since wayang work by the 
1 family makes masks - family of Wargiutomo (house near Pak Keni)
if a lot of orders houses will work overtime using petromak
-Kab once did a small promo-tion by giving Pocunq wayanqs to govn. ministers, under  trademark 'Bantul' as souvenirs 
- is a plan to repair road to Pocung + have already submitted a request to govn. in the forum of Padat Karya Inpres
- present road of Pocung if continued over the hills leads to Prambanan & hopes that a tourist road will be built 

linking the two eventually
last year road is widened from 4 to 6 meters and now want to widen to 8 meters 
are 2 SD Inpres and 1 SD Negeri
- no tokos in Pocung but only a few warungs
people mainly use Pasar Plered and Pasar Imogiri
- is a plan to built a pasar in Pocung in 1980
- seasons in market demand de-pend on tourist season 

- interview with Atmoreda Atmodirgo alias Redo, Dukoh of Karangasem method of making wayang: 
1. hide with hair soaked a day & night in the river with stones on top so won't float - never lost (safe)
2. stretched on wooden bars & dried in the sun till dry - if no rain dry in a day 
3. hair scraped off with a small petel 
    (hand drawn image)
           (contd p. 13)