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not a participant in BIMAS because afraid can't repay loans if bad harvest
- tools -  pacul 1
arit 2
ani 1
for weeding use hands only, no tool

only grave for 4 dukobs of Pocung on East side on flat area

price of tobacco 100 K wet, 2000 K dry & processed
10 K wet can become 1 K dry so more profit in dry but must age 6 months in keranjang yang rapat (tightly closed basket)

skin scraps for 300 Rp per K to make krupuk rambak trader comes from Jodok, segoroyoso Bantul

yields in rice from fields & buys 35 K a mo. extra at 130-150 Rp per K

acc. to M. all rice crop in P. lost to Walang Sangit - off of old sawah ((700 M) last year got 1 Q ((we heard last year crop lost to walang sangit))

tob. 1 1/2 Q wet last year


for M. pokok is pergs.

one time setor to Jogja sells 50,000 Rp worth

acc. to Pak Dukoh (who sat in) former road 3M & widened to 6 M between 70-73 secara gotong royong, 1 person working 1 day a week; he says were a lot of complaints against him because people got no salary for this, but he forced them because for own good
now being widened to 8 M, & we saw lot of trees being cut down alongside road - Pak Dukoh & at least one other house making charcoal - must burn for 5 days in large beehives of mud & banana leaves

6 Aug 78 interview with Keri, son-in-law of Pak Dukoh & largest Pengusaha in Pocung ([[Gardo?]] sat in.)

work done in long rooms in back & side of house
usually 10-16 workers, but we came on Sun. & only 4 sedang menyungging (don't all work on Sunday)