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a week & in very slow season on 10K a week
Juli → Oct busiest months but doesn't know why - 

most people who buy Kenis products are tourists

takes about 5 yrs. to become a good peryungging & must become a penatah first

1 med. wayang halus - 3 days menyatalah & 3 days menyungging 
1 large wayang halus - 5 days menyatalah & 5 days menyungging
for med size med qual 4-4

when menyungging 5 wayangs at a time
all tools used owned by Seni

talahs made in Pocung (prob. by Wasdipaidi)
brushes for melukis made in HK, brought in Jogja - 1 brush (kwas) lasts 3 mo. at 200 Rp @

owns 40 kwas
uses water colors Sakura mixed with ancus at 400 Rp a bottle - easier to use, he says, than cet bubuk (powdered color)


at 13 Keni could menatah with his father
no courses ever or help from govn or bank loans
Keni says dagangnya belum lancar (business not running smoothly yet) so afraid couldn't repay a loan

Keni has never stayed in town

attended STM pertambangan in Jogja but didn't sleep over

but left in 2nd yr. STM
he says & father confirms he was
luar biasa bandel when younger

wages paid per piece @ 500 Rp
small, 700 med, 1500 big
if making fans wages
variable "sesuai dengan hasilaya"

wages paid only when Keni
gets paid for an order

pengrajins sleep at own houses,
walk in

are 3 who often (14,15,16 on list
sleep over

- if lembur, sungging done
at Kenis, but talahl at their
own houses

- no fixed relations betw. penatahs
& penyunggings; any
penyungging receives from