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Keni says is gold on east side of Pocung but has never been excavated; he says topsoil 3M deep best land in center, black in color; in hilly areas tandus & tipis

Aug 19 - interview with Sjahsoni (ZAHRANI)
-no kecamatan lists available
-Pasar Batik at Sanden called Soro-bayan
-total no. of home industries in Bantul 28,000 acc to Sj:
-besides Sanden also batik in Kec. Srandakan, Kec. Pandak & Plered
-in Sanden near coast nearly whole kec. make batik ((look there for batik w ship motifs))- some die own, now chemical dies
-bamboo in Muntuk Kal.; enter from Patuk (nice view on way)
-EKOKAPTI is a coop for whole of Bantul every village which uses kulit, headquarters in Manding - headed by Siswoyo (pengurus)
3 [[strikethrough]] courses held in Pocung so far but Sj. doesn't remember dates


- project in Kas. called Projek Pembinaan Peningkatan Mutu (PPPM) but no activities yet except constructing facilities - still controlled by Dep. Per. Kab. level - kiln already built tapi "belum berfungsi"
acc. to Sj. alr. a centra BIPIK in Kas. but no petugas lapangan
-petugas lap. Manding is named Sugiarto but office in PPIK Jogja - Sj. could hardly remember name, so not close
-acc. to Sj. no book from Pak Atmo, Dukoh Pocung, but only report of interview by Pak Satim
-follows interview carried out by Joko with Abitomo Sih Kadarman, from dept Trade Bantul
this year still getting program ready (keadaan permulaian) & acc. to Pak Abi Madukismo can still rent lands - next year with Repelita III can't sent any more
under Maduk. rental agreements farmer gets 17 1/2 Q sugar (or its value in money) per hectare of