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[[first page]]


- When he was trading lamps bought for 250 Rp + sold for 300 Rp

- get most profit from "turkan tombah", i.e. buying up old lamps + selling new to same person-

if so get 200 Rp for the new one + old one fixed + resold.

- When Wardi sold lamps to Jogja came home once in 7 days + no fixed time at home before leaving again, could be up to a month

- Jbu also makes fans full-time

- work hrs not fixed but usually all day.

if going to be gone the next day i.e. to market may work late night before until midnight with little oil lamp (ublik [[drawing]] or [strikethrough/] tepm [strikethrough] teplok [[drawing]])

HH makes about 20 fans using 2K hide a day

works inside house (so far only person we've seen with special working place is Keni - all rest just work in

[[second page]]


front room near door or window where enough light - at Margos + Kenis use tables to work on, but elsewhere sit on floor)

- Jbu has no other activities + doesn't go with Wardi when he petors to Jogja.

- Pak Saimo is a penyungging + occasionally hires other penyungging to work at his place

- Wardi has never stayed long in town

- largest son may not work yet because results still poor

- his pek. about 1 lukon in size, ± 1000 M^2 (actually fathers - both houses on same pek) 

- Wargi + wife never look for work as buruh tani 

- has own well in front of father's house, 7M - well has ever dried up in dry season 

-one time setor sells 5000Rp - 10,000Rp worth

if setor once a week gets about 10,000Rp 

has in past had difficulties in getting hide in which case hides from making tools only ((!!!)) and wife doesn't work at