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- Sagiyo has had bad experiences selling to Chinese & also once at Ambarukmo because his goods just considered on same level as factory products & they want to buy cheaply & don't care about quality - he says this hurts his feelings("dibikin sakit hate") & he doesn't want to work thru these people again
- once lost 40,000 Rp because setor to Pak Mul & Pal Mul didn't want to pay & he was embarrassed to keep going back to ask him for his money - took the loss himself & paid full wages out of own pocket to pengrajin ("biar saya rugi")
- has a plan to expand by collecting a no. of the letters pengs. in Gendeng so he can build up stocks
- in 74 borrowed 100,000 Rp from brank in 77,200,000 Rp - both loans als. repaid money used for new materials
-father has 2400m^2 sawah, (tegal ?)2000m^2

Sagiyo has 1500m^2 bought in 75 - also has 800M^2 sawah tadah hujan + sawah 600 m^2 jang irrigasi, both pieces bought in 76
in irrig sawah rice planted twice a year irrig. from nearby small steam [[stream]]
tadah hujan planted once a year rice
Sagiyo never goes to fields himself & father takes care of all - Sagiyo doesn't know much about agr. & so couldn't answer all of our questions in this section
for luku in Gendeng 1000 Rpa morning w/ dapi & labor for watun 300 per hari rest done by gotong royong with payment 100 Rp per day & meals
((in D.I.Y. gotong royong doesn't seem to mean w/ out payment, but means low payment & meals
-for panen use 1/10 bawon share
-most buruh tanis from Gendeng
-in Kas. - Gendeng area pekarangan means all land around house no matter how luas