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[[left side]]
Tukimin is alr. married but still sleeps at mother's place, located next door to Wgadio's; Tukimin's wife sleeps at her parents place
are 4 houses on one piece of pekarangan which is still registered in B. Setrokaryo's name

[[in box]] adik          [[in box]] Kazyoutomo
            Ngadio                  adik Ngadio

[[in box]]  Ngadio       [[in box]]  B. Setro


B. Sethro's house very small, gedek, dirt floor, 1 large room with gedek half partitions
house of a adik Ngadio which is across from Ngadio is very fine, large, w/ cement floors, etc.; Ngadio uses a room in adik's house for storage
in B.Setro's house both she + Tukimon damel, B. making grabah (kwali only) & Tukimin making animals w/ ukir tempel
- B. Setro's does not sell her own products but gives them to Karyoutomo who takes them to an aluminum factory in

[[in left margin]] none of the four HH has its own gubug

[[right side]]

Pakel area (southeast corner of Jogja); the kwali are apparently used to heat aliminum in but B. Setro doesn't know exactly how 
Tukimin just waits at home to sell his products & says doesn't 
- equipment:
2 perbot
1 selo
1 kerit
1 tatap
1 piece broken saucer
1 cukit
2 old kwalis for water 
1 bamboo stick for scraping off pieces to thin bottom
50 jantus
firing done together with H H of Karyoutomo & B. Setrok. doesn't look for or buy own firing materials but Karyo buys all & she ∴ doesn't know prices
- B. Setrok. makes 15 kwali a day & usually works 5 days a week
Tukimin works every day & can make 2 animals a day work hrs. about 8 - 4 & never work evenings or overtime