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pots are bought by city people 
who can pay  more
B. Amat collects grabah(?) from
several houses + then bicycle 
brakuls(?) pick up from her house
- uses sumur(?) of neighbor Darso-suwito
- has never gotten loans, govn. aid on attention of any sort
- main food rice, 1/2 k per day,
130 Rp per K

Sept 6 with Ruslan (see also book 1)
visit to Pak Yahya Hadayat, petuga
Dept. Per. Sleman
discussed first Malangam
- said all assembling done at Pak Amats
said other pengrajin are not able 
to market lamagsung but all
products (in the new style) sold 
thru Amat
new stykes began about 4 yrs ago;
he says Pak Amat more success-
ful because more aggressive
in looking for langoanan(?)
in jogja(?) + always trying 
new styles
acc. to Pak Hidayat ker. dpet.
of equal importance in
Malangam; confirmed, however,
that if busy in fields ker. di-
tingg also that ada musiman
in the ker.
acc. to Hidayat most of the
people in Malangan have no
sawah of their own but own
as burah tani on other peoples
sawah - he says that only
"2 or 3" people have sawah +
the rest work on these peoples
sawah ((recheck - is Malangan
exporting buruh tani to toher
dukohs ? ))
acc. to Hidayat no ladarg in
Malangan all sawah, very
fertile, getting three nice crops
a year
irrigation water from Kali Progo
+ never dry except last year
when the bendunga was 
being repaired
a little polowijo in dry seaon
arid. cassava, tobacco
- Pak Amat feels that he has
social functions in Malangant
Pak Hidayat pointed out 
that school children savvy 
enough making truntum for
Pak Amat to pay for books +
other school expenses