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Garrett's krismaker: Pak Jeno, south of Pasan Ngijon, 2k. from Malangan - says Pak Amat should know where 

Aug 12 with Rualan brief discussion with Pak Hartono, head of Dep. Per. Henan - acc. to H. bamboo work is taking over from petanian as the [[?]] activity in Malangan - says Pak Amat has received as much as 1.5 million Rp. income a month of which 10% is profit, i.e. 150,000 - says that inconceivable that he could earn that much from farming
acc. to Pak Hartono, Pak Amat is not a large landowner in answer to a question about about whether anyone has tried to challenge Pak Amat's position in Malangan, says that formerly a certain person (head of a project [[?]] there) tried to sell directly, but not very successful - Pak H. feels it is not a good idea to have competition between producers because then market price is controlled by the buyers - feels

instead current situation in Malang with a strong coordination is best
acc. to Pak H. the average K.K. in [[?]] has 600 M^2 sawah & 400 M^2 pekarangan - this, he says, is not enough enough for a living - he feels need to develop(by govn) sambilan activities
says that acc. to kab. figures, profit from a square meter of sawah in [[?]] is 70Rp (70x600=42,000) on the average - he feels that in last 10 yrs. or so all kerainans have expanded and grown except hand weaving & batik which have declined; in particular hand weaving has been unable to face competition from fine, smoother machine cloth & now only certain types of cloth such as [[?]] are made
- showed us a rough piece of glazed [[good guess?]] ceramic- from kec of Minggin, kal. Sendangrajo, dakoh Pak. [[?]] is testing a kiln there today