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in the area
wages on Padat Karya projects are Rp 300 per day, and both men + women participate + receive same wages
Pak. Social says that water shortage has caused a grothwn in the amt. of activity in bamboo weaving
he says about 120 people store w/ Amat ((recheck)) + that for these bamboo working is pokok
- in Ngigon kampong of Malangan make also tampah (winnowing trays)
- besides Pak Amat biggest percuaha are Pak Joyo + Pak Suwito
- in Malangan traditional productions include:
-KEROMBONG TEH (small shipping containers for tea)
- WAKOL (covered cooked rice containers)
- TAMPAH (winnowing trays)
- BESEK (square baskets)
acc. to Pak Social 40% of rice prod. in Sleman from 4 western locations: Minggin, Moyudan, Godean + Seyegan
after repairs estimates that 

w/ add. kec. Tempel + Gamping which will receive water after repairs the western kecomatans will account for 60%
Varietas Upqual Tempan Wereng planted since big wereng attack in 1975, but harvest smaller than old varieties, market price lower, + less tasty
Pak Social says recently wereng has been attacking new varieties too
2 farm groups in kab Sleman:
a. WILET - desa level group (1 bulak)
b. WIKEL - cluster of bulaks
Pak Social described several traditional ways to get rid of pests
1. akar yenu - root which is pounded, mixed with water + then sprinkled over plants 
2. buah kecubung - fruit which is dried + then burned in a vessel call a padupan + the padupan