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- children who setor w/ Amat only after school hrs & all children attend school

- Pak Amat began his enterpr. in 1960

- [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] other imp. pengr. Pak Joyo [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]], Pak Atmopawiro & Pak Tomofearya

- Pak Amat workers all from Malangan

- no underempl. acc. to Pak Dukoh

- he says hasil from pengr & pet about the same

- he complained that work hrs for buruh tani too short & man may [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] work only from 8-9 & earn 125 plus a meal if work sore from 2-4 also get 125 plus a meal

- women who plant work from 7-10 with payment of 100 Rp + meal

- nowadays land seldom plowed but dicankul with a hoe - reason he says because use of TS fertilizer softens land so plowing unnecessary 
now use small rake [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] also rather than large animal-pulled harrow - this small rake of wood 
also has affected keeping of large livestock which are now rare


in Malangan

- use transplanting, with 20 days in seedbeds

seedbed prep - males

pulling up & moving (no tying in bundles) -
males & females

replanting - females

first weeding (dipatun) 20 days after replanting & next weeding 20 days later
new varieties have 3 mo. growing season while old have 5 mo. growing season
no trad. varieties being grow now
4 new varieties slated for introduction: Seraya, Citrarum, Berantes, ?     ((acc. to Eddy these are combinations of PB & IR)

- use urea + TS, urea to fertilize "fruits of the rice" (buah paddi) & TS to fertilize the land

-  [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] in some nearby dukohs still use compost & manure, but now rare + none in Malangan

-are now 2 or 3 persons in the area who use tractors ie Pak Lurah, Pak Sosial, & Pak Harjosuwanto - tractors are rented with the driver