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- fertilizer obtained from BUUD office on east side of kal. while bibit (seed) bought in stores in Godean
price of seed: 1K @ 200Rp, enough to plant 200M^2 (5k per 1000M^2)
price of tractor rental 35,000 per hectare
in dry season esp. 75 people forced to eat cassava 
not many people in the Dukoh, acc. to Pak Dukoh, produce enough rice surpluses to sell; he estimates only 5 people have such surpluses 
bamboo workers often work evenings until about 9:00 PM using teplok or gembring (small oil lamps)
- Pak Dukoh feels actively in [der.(?)] will go down now that water supply normalizing.
- about 10 people in Malangan keep [ayam ras(?)] but he says not more than about 50 chickens lack maximum 
name of fish ponds: blumbang
- confirms that ker. left behind if people bust in rice fields

- raw mat:
1. bamboo from area of Muntilan (central Java, S. of [[Borobudur(?)]])- brought in by Muhtilan trades + sold at Pasar Ngijon 
2. gebang from Sentolo area 
bamboo costs 350 per pole, gebang 1 bunch (UNTIL) 100-200 Rp acc. to size of the until
- is one Malangan man, Wongso-arjo, who trades in gebang also sold at morning market Ngijon
(Ngijon morning of Legi + Wagi sells bamboo + gebang, evening sells finished products) 
price of bamboo depends on supplies because people from 5 dukohs competing for a limited supply
formerly, acc. to Pak Dukoh, people built up stocks and they tried to market but now whatever they make sold off quickly so that seldom have a chance to built up stocks
- in Malangan also have some bakuls who trade in clothes (bakul pakaian) + daily needs bakul(kelontong)