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-formerly Malangan producers of besek travelled themselves to Jakarta, Bandung & Semarang to sell their goods - now, however, they sell to middle-level traders at Beringharjo 
-colt owners:
Asngudi - 1
Widagdo - 2
-in 1950 was a coop but had money difficulties of some sort & "tidak lancar"
-no memory of origins of the ker. but "turun- temurun" from the ancestors
-no gadai, but some jual tahunan - no ijon
-village holidays: RUWA HAN, MULUD, BERSI DESA
-almost all persons can make bricks & tho may sell extras make mainly for own use;
2 methods
1. using [[strikethrough]] mrambut paddy (rice hulls) as firing material - bought from [[strikethrough]] Gilingan (rice mill)
2. using sengon, laut, munggur, or kambodia wood - all kinds of "kayu tahun" or low-grade

wet dirt cover
kayu bakar

if 20,000 or more bricks & fire using wood will use 6 holes 
quality of bricks using these two methods differ so that bricks fired with wood sell for 7000Rp per 1000 & bricks fired with mrambut sell for 4000-5000Rp per 1000

formerly in Malangan also made a lot of L [[strikethrough]] ANG SENG,
large circular tool for processing tea - sold to Pabrik Teh Mancing in Jogja; for whatever reason the factory no longer is buying these & Pak Dukoh speculates they are now using some other kind of tool