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- Pak Amat says he spends about half his time on adm. ie marketing, receiving guests - he still mengrajins, however, esp. in making new designs which he says nobody else can do

people often work overtime & willing to as long as he gives them a bigger cut - he reduces his cut usually [[crossed out]] [[??]] [[crossed out]] in such cases, he says from 15 to 5%
no diff ever in getting bamboo he says

says close connection between no. of pengr. & agr.
pre 1975 - 100 pengr.
1975-78 - 300 pengr.
present season - 250 pengr.
(air restored)

pts. out that if everyone a buruh tani wages for burah tani will drop & if everyone a pengr. then profits for pengr. will drop

- Pak Amat apparently gives priority to large orders from PTS in Jak & Sem. (exporters); 

says has a tactic of forcing stores in Jogja to empty stocks before he will fill their new orders, but I'm not clear


exactly what he intends w/this tactic

stores in Jogja require small amts of many types of goods, while larger langganans want large amts of a smaller range of goods

large langganans:

1. Ny Margaretta, Jakarta - comes in person to place order, order then shipped by Amat when made - who bears cost of shipping depends on specific agreement - shipments by night bus - [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] Prof. Johannes, former Rektor of GAMA, provides a guarantee for Amat - [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[strikethrough]] Prof. Johannes contacted by Amats "son" (( Murjjman or Wiji?))

goods [[strikethrough/]] wrapped [[strikethrough]] packed for shipping in cardboard boxes like old TV boxes or bagor bags

2. P.T. Tanamas, Jakarta - largest order ever placed was 3 mo. ago for 4 M. Rp

3. P.T. Sari Resye, Semarang - (pribumi)