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the woven
4. trimming of leftover strips
5. smaller wengka attacked at center 
6. strips spread to account for smaller circumference at center
strainers for center of langseng from fine  were [[?]], given at the factory now materials:
1. banfgo - buys poles from [[?]] alongside [[?]] in front @ 300
2. 1 1/4 K nails for 15 [[?]] orders 20-50 at a time; sale price 500 Rp be [[?]]; sold to large ted factory in Jogja, Jl. Poncowinatan, behind Klenteng (Ch. temple)
- 3 people in the desa who make langseng, acc. to Joyo
- factory sends a messenger to order but give no advance payment; then they deliver by bicycle - own 2 bicycles - payment [[strikethrough]] in [[strikethrough]] cash

95 [[page number]]

in full
can produce about 15 langseng weekly
15 langseng use 6 bamboo poles
outer skin use to make truntun yang disetor w/ amat - Rubuimt [[?]] Kaminem make truntum on weekends or when not busy at factory
formerly more orders for langseng; business has gone down because many Jogja tea factories have moved to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] Pekalongan to be near [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] W. Java tea plantations; around 1970 that business began going down
1 ARIT BESAR (sickle)
1 PANGOT BESAR [[diagram]]
1 GERGAJI (saw)
1 UNCEG (drill)
1 PUKUL (hammer)
division of work:  Pak Joyo makes blengker
mother & children make irat strips; finishing done by Joyo