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Rumeyem[[?]],Kangnem + Sukarjo also make truntum[[?]] + sell to Amat, but R+K. only when not working at the factory parents asal[[?]] from Mal, both began wearing about age 20
Parents of Pak Joyo also pengrajin[[?]], parents of Bu Joyo bakul tenggok
in general children about age 10 can also mengrajin 
Pak Joyo also works in the rice fields[[?]]; Abu[[?]] sells getuk mornings but afternoon mengrajins
- makes langseng only when get an order, not attempt to build up stock
often goes for a couple of weeks without any orders during which time he doesn't produce 
- to process tea langseng placed over charcoal burner, filled w/ 1K. tea + dried in 1/2 hr. 
- no courses, no aid on loans from govn.
- working place called EMPER RUMAH, a kind of veranda located usually in front of the house but in this case along the side
in Malangan land measure is a BAGIAN [[?]] = 2000 meter Pak Joyo has 1200 meter which he says is (about) 1/2 bagian
- owns 550 M pekarangan, alr. in own name
also sharecropping under maro management / 1250 M^2 of sawah
works both own land + maro himself
in pck. [[?]] ketela pohon + 7 coconut trees
sawah all planted w/ padi this season
in previous dry seasons land unplanted. 
- this season using pupuk urea [[?]] + TS - buys in warung - uses 75K urea + 25K TS (total 1Q) at 70 Rp per kilo each, per season
uses 1R 36 rice varieties + new variety called Pelita 
- uses 20K brlrt[[?]] per season @ 150 Rp either variety
- [[?]] maro a arrangement buys