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Madiyo has been making bamboo
- since age 25
- father of Madiyo made tepas, tenggok, + dunok (small tenggok), basket etc. + mother sold at Beringharjo.

- mother of Bu Madiyo did both basketry + weaving + father + mother also buruh tani
-no loans in recent years (tho borrowed from Bank Kelurahan in Jaman Belanda), no courses (( course held in Malangan was for people outside Malangan w/ Amat as teacher ))
- work from 8-4 every day, with children's hours less regular than parents.
- often work overtime "just so won't get sleepy" - CEGAH-LEK
-every Pon + Legi buy 1 or 2 bamboo pole for Rp 300; later said bought 7 or 8 bamboo a month
when he buys bamboo outer covering stripped off + used by children for truntam; never sells the welat
- also buys gebang at 50-75 per until, 3 untils a month

- buys 2 oz nails per mo.
- says business hasn't changed much in 5 yrs + if langsengs are not selling well just shifts over + makes tampans
- says business slow Bulan Suro because few weddings or parties
- setors langsengs twice a mo + other 3 times a mo; cash in full if parents who have kids short of money will sector w/ another bakul
sometimes get an advance payment if needs from tea factory to buy raw materials

- has a half-finished well, 2 bicycles, 6 chickens

owns 100 M^2 sawah, garaps himself
pekarangan 400 M^2 plants KLOWITT (veg. similar to jackfruit) + papaya in pek.

Madiyo also works as buruh tani, macul 1 mo. + matun 10 days per season; macul 7-10AM, 1-4PM, 250Rp daily + 2 meals