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- acc. to Atmo, krings 19, 18, 17 + 16 make besek
- business slow around banen [[?]] because the besek makers stop working
- sells besek at Prambanen
- buys 4 sizes of besek:
[[indented list]]
1. NO. 6-10, buy 500, sell 550 per kodi
2. NO 6-8, buy 450, sell 500
3. NO 6-6, buy 350, sell 400
4. NO 6-4, buy 300, sell 350
[[end of indent list]]
- says price goes down if he takes a very large load
- goes to Prambanen every hegi; occasionally goes on Pon [[?]] also if on hegi [[?]] seems the bakuls need more
- leave Malangan at 3:00 AM by bicycle, arriving at Prambanan 10:00 AM wait around the pasar until all sold + they get their money, then return home at night
[[left margin]]
usually wait til about 6:00 PM
[[/left margin]]

- most that can be loaded on a bicycle is 45 kodi
- on the way to Prambanan setor about half of their beseks first at various restaurants in Jogja, including:

[[indented list]]
1. Tjampur Sari Jl. Solo, only small beseks (gudug)
2. Mboh Berek Kalasan, large beseks (fried chicken)
3. Candi Sari, Kalasan formerly setor to Ny. Suhardi, but now no longer - lost the business to a neighbor
4. warung Bu boroto - Abuyo 5 kodi each time)
[[end of indent list]]

- 2 bicycles
- in Prambanan market are 5 bakuls
- says business better 5 years ago because not so many bakul besek then
- own well, 5 chickens
- no sawah; pekarangan 250m^2; says sawah owned by the family already sold by grandmother years & years ago
pekarangan planted w/ a little bamboo 
is a very tiny warung consisting of a special lemari-like piece of furniture - warung inside the house, manned by whoever is around the house; say only earns a profit of about 1000Rp monthly.
stocks taken from Kios Ngijon