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gamongs get no salary but only bengkok lands & that if no harvest it means work for nothing
children used to work evenings also but now busy with studies
- buy welat from neighbors; this practice of asking neighbors to buy for you called NEMPIL
- enough I until per month @ 150Rp
- setor 5 truntun a week w/ Amat
- has own well, 7m deep
- 7 chickens
- owns 5000m sawah; 1180m2 pekarangan of which 300m for house & nest tegal ((I dont seem to make a distinction between sawah & tegal here)); part of sawah in lumbersari (wife's village) and part in Malangan
- also has 11600m2 tanah panong, 8000 of which planted in cane rented directly to Madukisino & doesn't seem to know anything about the tebu rakyat program
- rents to M. for 225,000Rp per 15 bulan

- workers on can lands from the area but paid by Madukisino
- on nest of land plants only rice
- even this season he says is walang & wereng, but not serious & so he's not using any obat hamah
- plants IR36, senipanan
- this season used 3KW area & 1 1/2 KWTS, applied in 2 sessions (no pupuk kandang)
- buy pupuk at KUD for 70Rp OK
- in 1970 sold land 5000m2 tahunan for 5 seasons
- use busuh tani, all from Malangan
pacul: 10 people for 20 days
tanam: 25 " " 5 "
1st watun: 5 " " 10 "
2nd " : 5 " " 10 "
panen: 40 " " 4 " 
- give a 1/10 bawon for panen wages for female busuh 200Rp for tanam + 2x eat
wages for male busuh pacul & matum 250Rp + 2x meals
- uses seedbeds
cankul 2
sorok 2