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far down as 150R, per renting ((if calculate profits based on sale price + costs given here incredibly low!))
say the reason they buy [[?]]-baran rather than make is because to make is too slow
-no vehicles, just sold their biycle
-one + half years ago Ibu got last of a series of about 10 candak kulak loans via BUUD; borrowed about 6000Rp each time of returned over 2 mo., each payment due on legi
-no well, no animals or chickens
-has 1/4 bagian sawah, 200m2 pek
also farms 1/4 bagian tanah kas desa (desa land) under maro share-crapping arrangement; has been doing this for 5 years already
-Pak Hadi does all his own pacul work, takes 7 days-garu, 1 day
-hirs 5 baruh tanen for 1/2 day to plant (1/2 day called SEKESOK = 1 morning)
-matun 2X, 2 days each time and Pak Hadi does himself

mother and daughter harvest themselves, taking 3 days
-hasn't bought or sold any land in recent yrs
-plants no polowijo (soil in pekarangans clayey; apparently not suited for veg. growing or fruit trees and can make bricks and photographed this day a child making bricks out of mud dug from front yard using simple 3 brick wooden frame and also brick firing in front of another house 1 from top brick firing arrangement like this:
[[drawing: depiction of brick firing arrangement]]
wall of bricks [[arrow to drawing]]
rambut padi; set on (hulls) fire [[arrow to drawing]]

when buy sayur for lauk (all purchased) Bu Hadi says look for veg. which low in price but high in quantity
get 2 KW gabak off own land, 1 KW from maro - 1 KW gabak produces 65 k beras (acc. to Pak Dukoh price of

Transcription Notes:
Contains a drawing of a brick firing arrangement