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- worked once on Padat Karya program for 21 days
- father has a fish pond next door

Sept 29 w/ Edy

interview with Karsopawiro #3 from sample list Malangan seller of camcao at the Ngijon market (camcao a kind of sweet drink with green thingies in it)
HH members:

- Mukadi is a guru SD (grade-school teacher in Kal Sendang-harjo, Kec. Minggis
wifes house next door; Mubeadi sleep over at mothers, probably so mother won't have to stay home alone
-formerly Pak Karso sold cam cao w/ ice when he was still alive (died 8 yrs ago) + then Bu Karso made tempe when Pak Karso died Bu Karso started selling cam cao but w/ out ice because there was no one to go to the city to get ice for her
-formerly ice gotten from Patuk area of Gorgja
- ingredients for cam cao per market day:
1. cam cao (kind of vine leaf) 50 or 25 Rp
2. degan (young coconut) 50 Rp or 25 Rp
3. santen 25 Rp
4. white sugar 1/2K 120 Rp (doesn't always use up)
5. pinch salt

sells on legi + po, 7-12 AM - makes the cam cao right before; takes about 1/2 hrs to make + thickens overnight, the leaf acting as the thickening agent sells cam cao for 5Rp a small glass to children + 10 Rp a large glass to adults
sells on a market day perhaps 10 small glasses (children usually in school) + 25 large glasses - she says she gets between 200-3000 a day but if sales poor drop lower, as low as 100 Rp
1. Glasses | 10 | 900 Rp per dozen
2. Spoons  | 13 (3 large 10 small) | @25