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people from various desas , mainly Pak Dukohs and lurahs and larger penqusaha, to teach new method
- instructors the Madura returnees
- Central Jak. office of Dept Per paid for Madura training program

-other activities of Dunas Pez. Rembang a mechanizing gamping ind. by setting up demonstration kiln which is fuel burning ((solar or (residu = crude oil)) rather than wood burning as at present = this is still in planning stage; gamping located in kec. Pamotan - project will be modeled after one in Katen which is running well - reason given for preserving solar is that wood - burning bothers the forest ("mengangu hutan") - later said someone at Pamotan had alr. tried a kampos but results were poor
b. trying to teach fish dryers how to preserve fish in the rainy season when no sun for drying - method uses a kind of year or mold (nagi) similar or the 

same as used for tempe
- method of teaching is to gather up to 30 persons at the kabupaten - also one of the Din Per people "pernah praktek dilaphangah" in fishing villages men so the sea fishing + women do the drying + salting

- from Pak Mulyono learned there are 9 employees of Din Per. at the [[?]] level 
1 director
4 adm. 
4 technical

Transcription Notes:
How is the crossed off section supposed to be transcribed? is this correct?