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[[left margin: 96]]
[[centered heading: BRASS]]

-one problem with magnesium is that absorbs water from air so salt w/ magn. can't be wrapped in paper packages
-cost of packing 25 Rp per parong, 1 kar = 60 K; packers all male
in factories salt briquette wrappers usually women

(3) Brassworks - Pak Karman in Kec. Guana, desa Kudu (Krida?) Keras inside the town of Guana
[[side note in left margin: KEDU KERAS]]
-types of goods produced: knobs and drawer hands, chains for hanging lamps, flower vases
tools: bor, bubutan (for smoothing, polishing-a power tool), files, tanagem, diesel
-this a relatively large shop with much heavy machinery and many of the production processes mechanized
some of machinery from Japan, but much, acc. to Pak Karman, he has made (assembled?) himself; he has never been abroad
-buys new materials in Surabaya in form of powdered or granular brass (GRAM) or scrap brass; uses 4 KW a wk:, 350 Rp per K (140,000 Rp a wk, in other words)
-brass worked by smelting, pouring into molds
boy who did this made wall very nervous teetering over the open and very hot fire  bare-chested on a rocky wooden chair
-factory produces 300 finished vases a week
- sells to wholesalers in Juana and Semarang
- permanent labor 12 boys, paid harian
- finishers get 500-1000 a day, other workers 300 (buruk kecil), still others work borongan and earn up to 1500 a day
- diesel bought in 1970 for 190,000 Rp
son of Pak Karman estimates value of all equip. and initial working capital 1 1/2 million typical ($3750).
buy mechanical equip. in Semarang at Toko Ameka