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-in addition to problem of splitting, unaged wood often warps

-for international standards water contents of wood should be below 10% (about 5%) whereas undried wood exceeds 15%
are 527 penusaha kayu ukir in Jepara area acc. to Dinas
-with 4000-5000 pengrajin
-average enterprise has about 8 workers
are both male & female workers; one job females do is to weave rattan seats & backs for chairs & sofas
enterprises generally I s a combination of hired and family labor
wages per worker per day vary between 500-1500 Rp; some workers work on a borongan basis, some receive their wages monthly
4 basic types of workers
     1. tukang membelah kayu - who saws wood
     2. carpenter - "ahli korstruksi" who puts furniture together
     3. tukang ukir - carves designs
     4. tukang plitur - finishes

types of goods: furniture, 'relief' or carved paintings, fruit bowls, ashtrays, souvenirs
-most commonly used wood is jati (teak)
jati bought off govn. land via department of [[strikethrough]] [?]]] [[/strikethrough]] forestry's PERHUTANI (Per. Hutan Jndah.) or state-owned lumber and forestry co
wood sold at auction, bought by large wood traders (pedagang kayu); [[strikethrough]] then usually goes thru tengkulaks [[/strikethrough]] not clear whether goes thru another set of tenaku- laks or if sold directly to pengusaha ((recheck))
[[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Chinese dominate the wood trading and are also many Chinese pengusaha ((do Chinese pengusaha join the cooperatives?))
-pengusaha pribuni have serious capital problem
- are wood carving establishments in 4 kec. and 33 desas in and around Jepara
- location for the S.C. seems to be

Transcription Notes: