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Page 2

borrow money, also at high interest rates, to pay their laborers
borrowing from banks difficult he says
credit [[strikethrough]] la [[/strikethrough]] needs varies [[strikethrough]]??[[/strikethrough]] between 250,000 - 5 millions rupiahs, depending on size of pengusahaan
competition price between producers + can only
beat out competitors if high-
quality production of continuous
new designs 
[?] often takes new design
from looks on German magazines 
& then Indonesianise them.
- acc. to [?] his cooperative
lacks capital; therefore
can't complete with swasta
i.e. large private enterprises
& not strong enough to
make loans to members
in sum, it doesn't seem to be
very active now
are 31 members of the coop
3. next visited small [underline] wood [underline]

Page 3
[underline] carving establishment [underline]
use 4 cubic wood a month
- may buy either for cash or on
-uses some hired labor
-pays Tukang Alkir 12,000 Rp for a chair
set, takes 6 days to carve
-sometimes people come around
buying or sometimes takes
his goods to (Jakarta
- also do farming, 1 crop
rice & 2 crops polowijo
per year
Same Day [[boxed word]] DEMAK [[boxed word]] talk w/ Pak Susip, head of Dinas Per at [?] office
- are 500 hektares [[underline]] salt in the 
- genteng market local, whereas
bricks & salt sold to Semarang
- is a demonstration project
for bricks at Mranggan [strikethrough],
1 kec, desa [strikethrough] Kebonanion [?]?
purpose of the project is to "men-
didive" pengrajin
- courses of about 6 days length 
each have been given for salt,
bamboo, brick & roof tile
-kab at Demak rather understaffed
w/ 1 dir, 2 adm, technik 3, [?]