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marketing of hats thru a single store in Gogja - would like to increase outlets & feel(fill?) the demand greater than they are now able to fill.
Supply of batik from Demak market through a Gogja woman named Ibu Dewi Rokmini who has moved to the village & apparently runs the operation; Ibu Dewi has an uncle in Australia & sometimes an order from there
In addition to batik hats, have even made peci batik, dompet tas, hiasan dinding 
-Capital need is to purchase batik cloth, the major raw material
-One hat sells for 700-750 Rp
-Ibu Dewi buys kain & distributes, then collects hats & sells to store - if, due to project, production increases, they still plan to sell all thru her
Now only 2 mesins in the village ((this not clear - may be these 2 plus more rented)) which both belong to Ibu Dewi


- buruh get 300 a day w/out meals
-Each buruh can make 7-10 hats a day.
-In addition to sewing buruh, are also lukang motong &  tukang jahit
-The 30,000 Rp machine is a Butterfly brand model
Ny Dewis husband named Assori - both Javanese
Ny Dewi from SKKA (Sekolah Kisejateraan Keluarga Atas = Home Econ. High School)
-in addition to 10 machines will receive a 30 day training course
in Wono Salam the "usual mahimam" BKK loan is 5000 Rp but if trustworthy may get 10 or 15
An active PKK program in Karang Rowo
(PKK= Pendidikaz Kesejateran Keluarga)
-Once the village received 1 machine from PKK on a rotating basis & 10 people trained by an Ibu from Demak (a PKK volunteer)-then the machine moved to the next village; 5 of the 10 even. 

Transcription Notes:
Several names, locations were illegible.