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April 3-
visit to desa of Jragung in Kab. 
[[w/]] Edy & Suyono Demak - roof tile making area in 
 Kab Demak - obe of PDPI first 
year desas 
Kec: KARANGAWEN  | Kosno (camat)
Kal: JRAGUNG     | Suyoto (lurah)
Dukoh: [[crossed-out]] [[?]] [[/crossed-out]] NGRAJEK 
[[crossed-out]] [[?]] [[/crossed-out]] DELIK 
land can apparently be used for 
bucks ( a recent test at Pak Hajis in Ngajik). but not a 
brick - making area
in Ngsajek are 100 HH which make 
tiles & in Delik 25 
no ther major crafts in the village; 
tiles a trad. craft (turun- kemurum)
-three process terms used: 
1. NGLULUH = mixing with water and sand 
2. GEBLOK = [[crossed-out]] [[?]] [[/crossed-out]] evened out 
3. CETAK = cut & formed 
-clay taken from river banks and sawah; sand from river 
most ( some?) take clay from own sawahs; 
if buy 1M x 3M costs 4000 Rp ; 
clay in the village overlays a sandy layer - thickness of clay a maximum 2M 
another note that those who buy 


land about 50%
-[[crossed-out]] no wage labor in the village [[/crossed-out]] 
-work hours from 3AM-7AM, 7-10 in the fields, 10-1 make tiles again, & rest till 2, then to fields again from 2-4
-in Jragrung no rice, only polowijo 
-major polowijo crops corn, 
soy beans, tobacco, tree cassava 
(ketala pohon)-- 
tobacco for the dry season, rest 
for rainy 
if the land dry, tobacco must be 
income from genteng - making exceeds 
that from ag. 
-tiles dried for 3 days & then piled 
up- when get quite a lot ( + or - 2000) 
will fire them 
-make tiles the whole year, even during 
the rainy season 
-firing material is teak - can buy 
from wood bakuls or collect them- 
selves from a govern. forest 3 miles 
away- if collect, must buy a tickey - cost 1 pikul 25Rp 
-term for selling from place to 
place such as wood bakuls is 
"juial ideran" 
-also use dry alang 2 as firing 

Transcription Notes:
The crossed out sections are very dark so I left them as a question mark.