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page 62
work as [?] [?] because a [?] [?] earn 700 - 1000 Rp a day 

same day visit to second village if Sambong producing [?]
(village where we were mobbed- very isolated, turn from Remlang coast road toward mtns almost 6k)

KAB: Remlang
KEC: Sedan  )      Pak Mukalin Wiranu
KAL: Sambong)      Pak sopinge
DUKOH: Sambang + Kopeng 

-185 KK producing tiles

-problems with marketing due to isolated condition + reveal requests during discussions for marketing assistance
-2 kinds [?] only : 
[?] [?]
" [?]
most of [?] sellers from outside the [?] + sell idea
-land for [?] rented [?] [?] 1000 per bulam
-clay layer 3 M deep + underneath grave
-lend taken from petak all year + then next year move to another petak
- 1 rich harvest a year tadah hiyyan, pologwijo in dry 
-July - Nov. the genteng - making season
best to give out credit 4th or 5th
month "[untuk persiapan]"
-no others [samben] activities expect [genleng]
- for/firing use both [?] [?]
-almost all labor is family labor so that size of [?] depends on size of family
-no [?] [?] in the village and they feel they would have trouble marketing
-market tiles in Kidas, Sem. T + tulam by oclt
costs 15,000 to rent truck diesel to Sem. + only holds 6,000 [?] (extra 2.5 per)
-every KK makes 200-300 [?] per day
-often work nights
-fire 2x a month
- 2 -4 families work in together in firming [?] poles - each family [?] 2000 - 3000 at