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- one person does the filing ((?))
- are 2 peng. who have more than perapen
- usual upah for an empu is 750, for a panjak 500
- no women ububs and they laughed at the tht of women in the perapens
- boys ikut in the perapens "when they are out of school" (Kalau sudah keluar sekolah)
- are two grades of scrap coin used, "A" which sells for 140 RP a kilo and "B" which sells for 100 Rp a kilo
tho formerly used railroad rais, they say now no one is selling 
- products: pacul, asit, bends (machete), wadung (large knife), knives, susuk (large spoon for frying)
[[?]] pertanian are their main products
- buy iron at Bareng in Kec. Jekulo, Kudus
- last year price of A grad 75 RP, B 50-60 Rp
- those who sell scrap iron both Javan and Chinese.
- price doesn't fluctuate but has been going up steadily usuall takes a jump in Sept. or Oct. ((beginning rainy season))
- Pak Yamin bonowed from BRI pernah 350,000 to buy 4 tons of iron for own use
- in general peng. buy iron from Kudus individual because "had a bad experience" w/ group buying about 1960
- Pak Yamin is the biggest peng (did not attend meeting) - of the 4 tons he bought, not all useable, but bought very cheap so still profitable
- on ave. buy / 50 K iron at a lime and transport cost by bus or colt to kavy 50K (3 karong) is 700 rupiahs
- use areng jati, bought from bakul ides
have never had trouble w/ police confiscations
- use 50K iron and 8 pikul areng a wk, on the ave ((i.e. for 1 perapen))
- 1500-1700 per pikul for areng in rainy, 1000 per pikul in dry
- one perapen uses up 1 kikira