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formerly replanting program disrupted because wood got to be 5 years old + stolen by perhutani officials themselves
he says situation better now replanting program will be finished in 1980 & then villagers will not be allowed to plant on
forest lands any more
ag. service advocating that they make up loss of income by intensifying production on
own lands
-are now 20 hektares farmed by residents of Wonosoco
-67 hektares for residents of other villages
-forest land parcels 1/4-1/2 hektare
per person

note: this is the only village so far where women attended the village meeting

July 19, 79  
brief discussion with Pak Martopo,
Dinas Pes. staff member in charge of genteng projects, C. Java
asked about kilns at Jragung(see above pp 8-16):
demonstration genteng project from
Bappikra located at:
kewedanaan Mrangen
kec. Karangawen
desa Rejosari
is also grabah at Rejosari
are now 4 kilns in Jragung, which located near Rejosari
- 2 kilns donated by Bappikra, modeled after demo kiln at Rejosari
- 2 kilns built with Dept Ind. kabupaten - level credits
latter includes Pak Paryono's kiln which Pak Martopo says has bad proportions ("ukuran kurang baik")- decision as to where Bapprikra kilns located determined by consultation w/village officials ("konsultasi pamong") - factors such as size of yard, distance from road,
etc. played a part, but Pak
Martopo say also looked for people
who were "prominent" ("agak terkemuka"

Transcription Notes:
pg. 109 - difficulty reading parenthetical phrases ^reviewed and edited