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the wood ahead of time on credit
-furniture made is usually half-finished (setengah jadi) and the stores assemble the furniture and do the finishing
-report estimates that the 42 pengusaha use total of about 5000 M3 wood per ys. 
-a pengr. earns about 300-400 Rp a day, while a peng. earns 1000-1400
-profit margin for peng. about 17%
-peng. uses about 3 million Rp working capital [[strikethrough]] a month [[\strikethrough]] year (about 250,006 a mo.)
-report predicts a building boom in next years on Madura which will assure markets for both kapur and furniture industries
-main problem in the industry is a shortage of working capital
report feels that at the root of the capital problem is a marketing problem notes that several peng. have gotten bank loans already, but slow in repaying
-[[strikethrough]] manu [[\strikethrough]] shortage of persons who can make special Maddrese designs, [[strikethrough]] but [[\strikethrough]] because better craftsmen have gone to big cities like [[strikethrough]] M [[\strikethrough]] furabaya where can earn more than on Madura
-sinall pengl. cannot afford the better craftsmen and hence quality of their
BUUD = Badan Usaha Unit Desa
KUD = Kooperasi Unit Desa 19
product low and only saleable on local market in Madura
-program proposal:
1. design course to improve skills of 10 craftsman a year
2. in order to avoid that these craftsmen leave the small enterprises once trained (for higher wages elsewhere), must raise profitability and hence wages of smaller enterprises
[[left margin]] budget: 9,470,000 over 5 yrs. [[\left margin]]
report recommends formation of a BUUD to supply credit and new materials, receive and fairly divide orders among members; a management course will also be given to members and will be trained in marketing by having a chance to display their goods at a "Sales Emporium" in Sarabaya
all 42 peng. will be BUUD members and receive these benefits

only a single enterprise in this project, ie enterprise owned by Mr. M. Maknoen in town of Sumenep, Kab. Sumenep
(H. Pugangga 31)
5 pengrayen
make rings, bracelets, glasses fumes, wall decorations and standing models with such themes as Madurese bull fights and sailing ships