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[[side page]] BANGKALAN[[side page]]

Secondary Notes taken from 1979/80 DUP for industry projects on Maduna

PR1- a project to gave 4 a lot genteng press to desa Dupok, Kec. Kokoyo, Bangkalan

-in Desa Dupok are 15 establishments making genteng wt 4 pengrajin each= 60 pengrajin.
-method of paying pengrajin is ''bagi hasil''
-gentengs presently hand made using wooden tool (alat kaya) to shape/mold 
-sesult, ace: to report, is a low-quality genteng kripik (thin genteng, breats easily- kripik is fried chips e.g. potato or cassava chips)
-each unit fires once every 2 months, 14,000 genteng at a time
use 25m3 wood for each firing.
-price of genteng is 6000 Rp per 1000
-if fire 14,000 genteng = 84,000 Rp
-to obtain profits must subtract cost of wood which, are this report, 1,500 /m3-
1,500 x 25m3 = 37,500
-84,000 - 37,500 = 46,500 profit
((apparently no cost of clay))
-if 4 persons work 60 gays to earn 46,500, works out to 195 Rp per
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person per day
-another 5% must be deducted for breakags when taken from kiln + during transport
-no information on type of kiln, (here termed tungku´)
-report estimales [[estimates]] that 4 pergrajin can make 2000 genteng pres basah (not yet fired) in a day
in fire 10,000 a mo. will get 200,000, because genteng pres sell for 20,000 Rp per 1000
to fire 10,000 genteng need 40m3 wood @ 1500 = 60,000
((hence need 4m3 wood to fire 1000 genteng per vs 1.8 m3 wood to fire 1000 genteng brasa))
profits per mo = 14,000 = 1,166 Rp per person per day

program proposed: 
(budget is 12 M for 4 years, 3,425,000 for first year)
third 1. during 1st year, 4 alot genteng pres of the slede pres type will be purchased and installed in Dupok
2 of the machines use a matrys model kodok, and 2 use a matrys model kripik
the machines are hard turned ( nesin pres putan tangan)

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