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If this is still so, a program to increase technical skills will not necessarily increase earnings, particularly if the new techniques increase processing time per piece.

PR7 - to set up a demonstration unit for [boxed/] krupuk udang [boxed] (shrimp chip) makers in Desa [underlined/] Pasanggrahan [underlined], Kec. Kwanyas, Kab. Bangkalan

- in Kec. Kwayas are 83 krupuk udang makers, 30 of these living in desa Pasanggrahan

- equipment used very simple - krupuk are sliced off by hand with a knife, so that the product is uneven in thickness + of low quality

- one pengr. can produce 2K of krupuk a day

- spends 450 a K for ingredients, including spices

therefore earns 1000 - 900 = 100Rp a day

- pengr. have already received training from Dinas Perindustrian, but lack capital to buy equipment

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so training not being utilized 

- enough shrimp available in Kwanyar area + flour used easily available in 
Surabaya - [strikethrough/] eggs [strikethrough] duck eggs local

program proposed:

1. 500M^2 land will be purchased in Kwanyar on which to locate the demonstration project - Camat & Lurah in charge of locating + buying the land

all 30 can be employed + labor can also be absorbed from nearby krupuk-making desas such as Kwanyar Barat
is estimated 200KG a day can be produced by the new unit- since quality higher will get 600 Rp a K rather than 500 = 120,000 Rp a day minus 90,000 for raw materials = 30,000

[in margins/]
budget 7,325,000, all used first year
[in margins]

of [strikethrough/] these [strikethrough] this 30,000 will be be saved as modal KUD (coop capital)

the other 20,000 can be divided among the members giving a profit of 600 Rp a day

my comments:
1. this is a good project [underlined/] if [underlined] the pengr