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5. method of group formation to be used not clear
says the target group of project beneficiaries will include both pengusaha + pengajin + this group will act as managers (pengelola) of the aid being given by the Dept.of 2nd.; on another page says will select project managers (pengusus) + personnel who are 'capable & dynamic' (cakap & dinamis) 
not stated whether KUD will be formed

6. consultations will be held w/ the kabupaten PDP team to determine following:
a. how equip. to be bought
b. criteria for project participants
c. composition of a committee to do actual participant selection 
d. how products to be marketed
e. how profits to be divided
f. set up work schedules
g. how tools & equipm. to be returned((?))

my comments 
1. in absence of any socio-econ. data on the existing krupuk industry, difficult to evaluate appropriateness of the project- definitely need more data - DUP contains goals & budget, but no

real implementation plan beyond saying that a no. of imp. matters to be determined by consultation w/ PDP kabupaten team
2. good to hear that kabupatens have PDP teams - a positive innovation

[margin] PR.10
- program to provide training to salt entrepreneurs in desa sreseh, Kec. Sreseh, Sampang

again very incomplete in terms of background data - includes only the following:

acc. to DUP position of salt producers good and no problems in marketing - kecamatan sreseh a center of salt prod. on Maduna with 677.2 HA of salt fields divided among 292 owners (pemilik) on 2.3 HA per owner
in a good season get 40-60 tons per HA + salt season lasts from July thru Nov. ((dry season)) - total prod. of sreseh per season +- 30,000 tons
current incomes estimated at 12,000 (per pengusaha?)) per mo. & thru project hope to  raise to 20,000
program proposed:
total budget for project 600,000 Rp,