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f. setting up of work schedules
g. [[/cross-out]] [?] [[/cross-out]] procedure for buying back eaupim (pembelion peralatan kemball) + expanding locations

my comments: 1. no training budget provided - does this mean they are already familiar w this type of equipment? 2. Q is this coastal industry 3. why are project funds being prepaid? what will be done with this money?

[[red circle]] PR 12: [[end of red circle]] project to provide [[cross out black box]] materials + training to batik makers in desa Ktah, Kec. Grengik, Sampang

LP3ES report describes situation of batik makers in a Bangkalan becamatan - situation here appears to be roughly similar, with batik workers under control of tengkulales who supply them  with more reference also to pengijon system + one of specific aims this project to  eliminate this "antisocial" practices ("menghilangkan masalah 2 ketidak sosialam, sepertic kegiatan parateng-


kulak, penjijon, serta monopoli yang sifatrya merugikan")
are 150 units in Katah making batik, employing total of 233 persons products made are sampir (a long kain) sarongs, tablecloths, salendango + material for clothing

1 batik worker can produce in a mo.
3 rough quality sarongs, 2 medium-
quality sampir or 1 fine-quality

products sold both on Madura + in large cities on Kalimantan + Java
-acc. to DUP situation good for batik
ind. + no marketing problems ((all
Sampang DUPs say this))

are problems in supply of raw materials
because batik workers short of capital

-incomes now about 14,000 per worker
per mo. + is hoped that can raise w^
this project to 24,000 a mo.

Program proposed:
Total project budget for 4 yrs is 5,535,000 Rp, of which 4,635,000 to be used first year

1. [[crossed out]] Most of project funds to be used To purchase mori, dyes, wax, +