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88(travel request)- Top of page 

equipment (not specified type) - also apparently diklat

-  budget allocation 1st yr.only:
   1. survey - 60,000 Rp
   2. gaji dan upah - 500,000 (16%) incl.
                    diklat [[?]]
   3. feeder point 1.8 M, [[?]]
          a. 800,000 baken 
          b. 200,000 alat & mesin
          c. 800,000 konstrksi
((doesn't jibe w/ earlier sums given))

   4. operasioiel' - 240,000
   5. diklat, excluding salaries - 400,000

my comments: sigh - 12M Rp + really not a clue as to what specifically going to do w/ it

correction: carpenters, not wood carvers
PR. 18: project to give raw materials to wood carvers in desa Saronggi, Kec. Saronggi, Kab Sumenep

are 15 kk doing wood carving of a traditional type in desa
Saronggi - DUP says they are all poor + each unit has about 3-5 family laborers
goals of project including raising incomes, providing raw materials,

preserving Madunese that. ant forms, raising skills so that can produce for tourist & souvenir market

program proposed: (budget 650,000 Rp only, of which all to bed used 1st yr)

1. wood carvers will be formed into a klompak & a governing body formed ("pengursus klompak terbertuk")
2. using the feeder point system, each HH will get 40,300 worth of raw materials ((not spelled out)) - this accounts for 93% of project funds

my comments: 'nothing in budget for ganji dam upah, which admisable if intentional 2. one of goals to raise quality so can orient for tourist market - doubtful can accomplish this providing raw material alone - is 30,000 in budget for penyalanan - will a course be given of any type - perhaps budget should be increased to cover some design & marketing assistance. 3. what kind of raw materials to be given