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here diff note from above:
      1 tom long costs 250 Rp
      6 ''            = karong

perapen making small tools uses 3-4 lomtongs a day & making large tools up to 10 tombongs

saw diesel driven grinda which owner paid 180,000 & new now would cost 300,000 
uses about 1 liter fuel a day @ 50 rp

saw wheel driven grinda which made of old bicycle parts - made it themselves 

heard of 2 other types of grindas:
a. 1 driven by motorcycle engine
b. hand turned small grinda - most/many of HH's have this type 
made in RRT & cost 14,000 Rp

mechinal bor, also RRT, for 27,000 Rp old price

prod comparison of hand grinda &

diesel is 10 vs 5 tools finished per hr
- diesel uses 1 man to operate & wheel & hand turned types use 2 each

same day
visit again to konfeksi village of [[?]]

prices: sewing machine 80,000 singer 
               obras 275,000
(buttonholer) itik 2  10,000 (attachment only)

those who don't have own obras can have their obras work done at house which does have for 10 Rp a set
visited first small enterprise where father cuts, mother & younger sister of mother sew
use 5 botts of 'Kovateh' a mo. at 8000 Rp a 'yar' (= yard)
makes no effort to hit lebaran market tho we visited only 2 weeks before lebaran - will instead go for the school market.
school starts this year in late Aug. 
major product boys short & sets [[?]] cloth from cloth merchants in Kudus on no-interest credit