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ashes from [[?]] firing [[?]] as a layer sprinkled on tile or brick molds - still some [[?]] in - in  construction side w/ this layer turned out.
-on open - ended kiln firing takes 3 hrs. & they unload the next day - this is for [[?]], not bricks next we visited work shed where making tiles - this located on hill overlooking dugout field where clay obtained & where firing done process:
1. dug out
2. spread out to dry for a day [[?]]
3. 6 hrs it is soaked in holes (rendam)
4. strained using large round strainers
5. strained made spread out in a cake for 2 days on a special area near work place
6. mounded up
7. a piece dug out w/ hands & patted onto sloping tray & then excess trimmed off
8. these transferred to shoped ceramic mold called talaan mencetak