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Page 20
insert: credit project, see book 9, pg 119 for Demak, dates from kabu-
patens Kudus, Pata, Rembang, Japara
KUDUS: in Hadipolo (blacksmithing) lurah
called 17 together at the balai
desa & an explanation - after 
the expl. 6 "mengalahkan
divi" & rest (11) came in a 
second day to fill out forms - 
all who filled out forms got credit

situation same in Parwosari (kon-
feksi) where 16 attended & 5 megala-
kan divi

discussions with TPL made clear
that criteria:
1. Yang dapat desercahya (who
can be trusted)
2. Yang dapat menanfaaltkan
(who can make use of)
specifically stated that not
kemiskinan ((indicates need
for retraining of TPLs & need
to incorporate buraks  camats
in orientation))

Pati: in [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] Kuniran (pande besi) the lurah presented TPL with a list of names (30) - since are

page 21

only 23 perapens would appear to represent all perapen owners + some non-owners ie impus, panjaks, etc. of the list of 30 only 17 came to the meeting

at the meeting waited apparently long time because forms filled out at the meeting by calling the people in one by one

everyone who went through this procedure got credit - amounts varied from 50-175 Rp each

division of credit between the 2 kecamatans in Pati will not be even but 818,000 for Kuniran, 450,000 for Winong (Sugihan)

in Sugihan, where 40 genteng producers, all contacted by pemang
19 hadir (came to the meeting) to listen to the explanation, and of these 7 requested

all 7 were given, amts varying from 50-75,000 - forms filled out "secara wawancada" i.e. thru TPL interviewing each

TPL felt in both kecamatans "gang lemak" who received loans about 1/2 per interview TPL spent 2 days screening in