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each village
Jepara: acc. to TPL their first all  in screening was "What if in a peicobaan project the credit is not returned?"
they looked for borrowers who were "giat, rajih, mau keya" (energetic, diligent, want to work)
process in reality Pak Lurah of Mayong selected 13 borrowers - all had it + all got credit in the amt of 50,000 Rp each - reason more not notified was, in Pak Lurah's opinion, "if call 50 or 100 kasihan if disappointed"
the 13 selected were those "yang sedikit bonafide dan mampu mengangsur" - some of them the TPL already knew, some not.
one the following scale I jotted down acc. to the TPL most of those selected would be considered "cukup"
mampu ------
cukup ------
sedang -------
kurang --------
miskin sekali -------

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TPL spent only 1 wk. screening both villages because "busy"
[[?]] help by the carik + others pamong 
[strikethrough] these [/strikethrough] they sat "spread out so they wouldn't be influenced by each other" - 
none of the borrowers has above [[?]].
same process in Teluk [[strikethrough]] Welal [[/strikethrough]] Wetan (rottan) 
most requests for small sums so "bias yakin mengangsur" 
14 people received total of 9 loans @ 50,000 so that some loans "secara klompok"
total [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] amt. of loans given in T.W. 
450,000 & in Mayong 650,000
Rembang: in copper village of Jolo Tundo all 25 small producers calle dto the meet by Pak Lurah (2 large sheet copper producers not called) - the 6 not selected were in fact screened [strikethrough] [/strikethrough] out by Pak Lurah because "already have loans out and Pak Lurah doesn't agree"
TPL went to homes of each of 19