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persons selected 
spent "more than 10 min each" -TPL
felt no questions on screening form too many- took 3 days to screen, 7 persons a day-TPL who held formg in village of Sambang 36 united to the meeting- out these 26 "diseleksi" & all 26 given- each got 25,000 each 
explanation that some persons busy with farming & so not invited screening took 5 days with 1 TPL working alone

since are 185 HH in Sambong, Pak Lunah suggests loans be given secana loggilis
he selected persons who were "cukepan" - says he cant give to the poorest because then he cant take responsibility for repayment 

Lunaks coven if people can't repay (this acc. to our TPL)



5/27/80 notes brought back by Pak
Danang from troso

men go out looking for bamboo in other villages- a group of men will buy 1 stand and cut to bring home - 500 Rp pen batang- must look for as fan as 15K away.
to give color to rims bamboo dried and then out in mud for a week on two- then smoked for a week on two- then smoked for a week- placed [[strikethrough]] or [[/strikethrough]] in kitchen above wood cooking fire (rims of Troso baskethy black) in that area wengku is called bengkung
about 600 pengajin bamboo there [[strikethrough]] men [[/strikethrough]] & more women than men (2 to 1) 
women in Troso can also do rims & bases 
reason women can do all is because many men occupied in weaving nearby