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[[in left margin]] p12 [[in left margin]]

pamphlet says rapid growth after BIPIK training till now have 1100 workers ((is nonsense, once again govn. taking credit for natural growth))

says many pengusaha would like to expand their enterprises but short of labor (kesulitan meaneari tenaga kerja)
no unemployment in the village today and pengusaha are importing labor from Tegal and Pekalongan

for purposes of wages labor divided into following task assignments:
mengelos = spool winding
menghani = winding warp on beam
mencucuk = threading up
memalet = bobbin winding
membuat plangkan = putting threads on ikat frame
membuat pola = drawing design
mengikat = tieing ikat bindings
mencelup = dyeing
menenum = weaving

[[left margin]] see also book 9, page 82 [[/left margin]]

Pamphlet says ave. wages about 700-1000 Rp a day ((too high - only weavers + dyers get so much))


pamphlet categorizes pengusaha as follows into 3 groups:

[[left margin]] ((med)) [[/left margin]]
1. pengusaha who have own capital and don't ever borrow from banks or others

[[left margin]] ((small)) [[/left margin]]
2. pengusaha kecil who only have a loom but get their thread from other larger pengusaha and then have to turn over finished weaving [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] to that pengusaha for marketing

[[left margin]] ((large)) [[/left margin]]
3. pengusaha who have own capital and also get bank credit - pamphlet says just a few pengusaha in this category
[[left margin]] p13 [[/left margin]]

pamphlet says that formerly only marketed locally but after getting training from BIPIK and other agencies in design, management, dyeing etc. they were able to expand their markets ((nonsense again)) 
now market 90% of their product in Bali and rest goes to large