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10/25/81 left early morning from Tuban - on way to weaving area stopped at Pasan Kerek
many bakuls selling Tuban selendangs and sarongs
also bakul selling fine baskets w/ carved wooden plagues attached of the type made in N. Troso (( Pak Sebekti told me he designed these baskets! )) Baskets of Troso are of lower quality + obviously an imitation - Pasan Kerek baskets made in village of _______. I bought one from head of perindustrian Tuban (we stopped at his house evening of 10/24) - saw baskets in use in Margorejo later in the day as yarn holders - hank of yarn put in the baskets + small pebbles hold the yarn down while the end strand is being draw out

continued on to Margorejo - both Rens + wife of perindustrian consider this a more "civilized" village than Gajo where people are supposedly rough, wild + unfriendly

best and most complex weaving donw in Gaji, however
in Margo. wide of lurah a rotund little woman from kampong near Jogja who is considered a leading "cultural light" because she ahs seen something of the outside world (these villages very isolated - an ancient quality about them)

saw weaving of both lurek (black + white plaid + more, plus batiking of typical N. coast "danggung" motil representing seaweed. background of this batik being done in byobbosan i.e. dots punched in the wax with a sharpened metal tool like a large needle - produces dark dots on a light ground
opposite is cocohan, i.e. white dots on a dark ground.
cotton ((aside: they say soil isn't suitable)) not grown in Margorejo or other 4 villages but in area on road before Tuban - textile villages buy their cotton + then spin it themselves
saw cotton in one house being 'bowed' to fluff it + then spun -